File formats
The following table provides an overview of preferred and acceptable formats when submitting data to DATICE.
Type of data | Preferred formats | Acceptable formats |
Data files |
o File formats of statistical softwares SPSS (.sav), Stata (.dta) or R (.Rdata, .Rds). o Tab- or comma-delimited text documents (e.g., .csv, .tab, .tsv) together with a syntax/script which imports the data from a text file into statistical software, such as SPSS or R. |
o OpenDocument table format (.ods), MS Excel (.xlsx, .xls) o Tab- or comma-delimited text documents (e.g., .csv, .tab, .tsv), without import syntax/script. |
Data documentation, e.g., codebook, questionnaire, syntaxes/scripts |
o OpenDocument Text (.odt), MS Word (.docx, .doc) o Text documents, ASCII, UTF8 (.txt) |
o Rich Text Format (.rtf) o Markdown (.md) o Hypertext Markup Language (.htm, .html) o Extensible Markup Language (.xml) o JavaScript Object Notation (.json) |
Images/graphics | o TIFF (.tif, .tiff) | o JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg) o PDF/A, PDF (.pdf) o PNG (.png) o BMP (.bmp) |