File formats

The following table provides an overview of preferred and acceptable formats when submitting data to DATICE.


Preferred and acceptable file formats for data files, documentation and image files
Type of data Preferred formats Acceptable formats
Data files

o File formats of statistical softwares SPSS (.sav), Stata (.dta) or R (.Rdata, .Rds).

o Tab- or comma-delimited text documents (e.g., .csv, .tab, .tsv) together with a syntax/script which imports the data from a text file into statistical software, such as SPSS or R.

o OpenDocument table format (.ods), MS Excel (.xlsx, .xls)

o Tab- or comma-delimited text documents (e.g., .csv, .tab, .tsv), without import syntax/script.

Data documentation, e.g., codebook, questionnaire, syntaxes/scripts 

o OpenDocument Text (.odt), MS Word (.docx, .doc)

o Text documents, ASCII, UTF8 (.txt)

o Rich Text Format (.rtf)
o Markdown (.md)
o Hypertext Markup Language (.htm, .html)
o Extensible Markup Language (.xml)
o JavaScript Object Notation (.json)
Images/graphics o TIFF (.tif, .tiff) o JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg) 
o PDF/A, PDF (.pdf) 
o PNG (.png) 
o BMP (.bmp)