The DATICE board and staff

The DATICE executive board  

Guðberg K. Jónsson, Director of the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), University of Iceland  

Hulda Proppé, Director of Research of the School of Social Sciences, University of Iceland 

Þorgerður Einarsdóttir, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the School of Social Sciences, University of Iceland

The DATICE management group

Bergsveinn Þórsson docent, Bifrost University

Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir, dean, Schol of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University

Ellen Dröfn Gunnarsdóttir, project manager, Educational Research Insitute, University of Iceland

Guðrún Rósa Þórsteinsdóttir, Director of the Centre for Doctoral Studies, University of Akureyri

Kasper Simo Kristensen, head of research, Bifrost University

Kristján Kristjánsson, head of research services, Reykjavik University

Sigurbjörg Rún Jónsdóttir, Project Manager for Dissemination of Research Information, University of Akureyri

The DATICE staff

Kjartan Ólafsson, specialist and head of data management (

Sindri Baldur Sævarsson, project manager and data curator (