DATICE is a data service and archive for Icelandic research data. Our goal is to ensure open and free access to high quality data for the research community and the general public.

DATICE – the Icelandic Research Data Service (GAGNÍS in Icelandic) is the official service provider for the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA-ERIC) in Iceland. The data service, which is located at the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Iceland, was established in late 2018 and provides access to research data in a broad sense. This includes data from surveys, measurements, systematic registrations, interviews and focus groups. The data is open to everyone, academics, students, specialists, media and the general public. DATICE was established as a response to the growing demands of the international scientific community for the open dissemination of publicly funded research data. Its establishment is in line with the HI26 policy of the University of Iceland. DATICE works in accordance with international standards, including the FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship.

DATICE‘s mission is to make research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, in accordance with international standards such as the FAIR principles. Our main objectives are to maximise the use of research data in Iceland, to ensure free and wide access to the data and its long-term preservation.

DATICE‘s main goals are:

  • to make Icelandic research data findable, accessible and reusable, whether for research, teaching or public policy making
  • to ensure availability of high-quality research data for the research community and the general public
  • to provide safe and accessible solutions for long term data storage


DATICE‘s main services are:

  • to solicitate, acquire and disseminate research data that can be used in secondary analysis
  • to provide consultation to data depositors on how to prepare research data for open access
  • to offer advice to data users on how the data in the DATICE repository can be used